There’s no doubt I’m always thinking of new ways to use guava. Whether it’s in savory recipes like guava BBQ wings or in desserts...
This post is sponsored by Bob’s Red Mill. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to all the readers of A Sassy...
If you love meatloaf, you’re gonna LOVE this recipe! This easy meatloaf recipe is one that my mom has made for the family time...
An easy and unique cranberry sauce recipe made with a Cuban twist using guava marmalade mixed with whole cranberries and orange juice. Growing up...
If this is your first time visiting this blog, welcome to my guava blog! Ha! JK. But seriously my obsession with guava knows no...
Start your mornings off right with these delicious, fluffy pancakes topped with cream cheese whipped cream and a homemade guava-maple syrup for the perfect...
Classic magic cookie bars with a Cuban twist! Magic cookie bars made with Maria cookies, sweetened condensed milk, guava paste, white chocolate chips, sliced...
A twist to the traditional refreshing Vodka cocktail made with spicy ginger beer, guava nectar, fresh lime and sweet basil. Easy moscow mule recipe!...
Deliciously sweet rice Krispie treats made with guava marmalade marshmallow cream, guava paste, and crumbled Maria cookies! Hello old friend. It’s been a while....
Super easy, semi-homemade guava and cream cheese pop tarts made using refrigerated pie crust then topped with a drizzle of condensed milk. The perfect combination of a...
Turn everyone’s favorite brunch drink into a guava glazed doughnuts! Soft, fluffy, baked guava glazed donuts topped with a champagne and guava marmalade glaze!...
Growing up in a Cuban family meant Saturday mornings included trips to the local Cuban bakery to pick up pastries, croquetas, and more. Empanadas...